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Tuesday, November 15, 2022


1 min read

“Gity is finally released !”


Gity was born out of my frustration of always having to start my projects from scratch. Indeed, with each new project, I was always creating the same folder schema, the same HTML code, the same CSS, the same JavaScript and this, every time. So I decided to create Gity, a tool that will allow you to easily create a project in a few clicks and that will also be easy to customize.


Gity allows you to create any website structure and once satisfied with the result in one click deploy it on Github Pages.
Gity is composed of several features:
  • Creation of html pages just by writing markdown
  • Automatic generation of the sitemap
  • Each page knows all the data of the site
  • Creation of data files in YAML
  • Creation of templates
  • Layout in Layout
  • Previewing
  • Deployment on Github Pages


Gity has been created from my personal experience in web development, so it is possible that other features are needed. And this is only the first version of Gity which means that it is still in full development and that improvements will be made over the weeks like adding external CSS files.


  • Better integration of TailwindCSS
  • Addition of external CSS file
  • Add external JavaScript file
  • Possibility to add plugins
  • Add functionality to define the directory to generate


Gity is a simple and powerful tool, it allows to create quickly a website. Gity is an open source static website generator available on Github. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to open an issue on Github.
